This is the latest news from Diode Arena

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Latest News 15/09/2022:

Progression update:
Another week has past since the last update, things are slow but yet still moving fast, as you may read down below. This week has been a roller coaster of emotions and troubleshooting/bug fixing all the problems.

social media update:
As some of you might read here we now have our own website, made by GDMaarten. our website will be the one place stop to find everything. the website is not yet in its final form but good enough for you all to see it. There has also been a big update on the steam page and all the social media around it. Instagram is going strong with a 10x gain in the last 4 days. Instagram is the one place where new parts/things are shown before any progression update (well the full progression update pictures).

Programming progression:
Wardd has been sick this week so little to no progress on the game programming frond, Ward did try to do some work on the games, there has been some bugfixes, new futuers added to the new experimental branch bug and new futuers added will be avalibe when the new patch notes come out.

3D progression:
Speedgnom has been bussy with rocked/plasma launchers, next tier hoevers and lasers. sadly the parts are out of skill in game so they will be updated asap. so will come back to this next week

planning for this week:
social media/behind the sens work
working on the new patch
fixing the sizes of the new parts + making new models